Voluntary exams Mathematics and Physics
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Wrocław University of Science and Technology organises voluntary entrance exams in Mathematics and/or Physics. Only candidates with a secondary school certificate obtained outside Poland may take the voluntary exams. A prospective student may take the exam(s) in the following subjects:
- in Mathematics at the basic level and/or
- in Mathematics at the advanced level and/or
- in Physics at the basic level and/or
- in Physics at the advanced level.
The exams are held in written form and are marked on a scale from 0 to 100 points per exam at each level. A minimum of 30 points is required to pass the Mathematics and/or Physics exams at basic level. The scope of the material used in the exams at basic level and at extended level, is equivalent to the 2024 Maturity examination at the basic level and at the extended level, respectively.
Date | Topic | Hour | Exam venue |
25.06.2024 | Mathematics exam – basic level | 8 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. | room A5, build. L-1, Wrocław, Na Grobli 15 |
25.06.2024 | Mathematics exam – advanced level | 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. | room A5, build. L-1, Wrocław, Na Grobli 15 |
26.06.2024 | Physics exam – basic level | 8 a.m. – 10 a.m. | room A4, build. L-1, Wrocław, Na Grobli 15 |
26.06.2024 | Physics exam – advanced level | 10:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. | room A4, build. L-1, Wrocław, Na Grobli 15 |
Only the results of examinations held as part of the 2024/2025 academic year admissions are taken into account.
- Voluntary entrance exams in mathematics and physics will be held on-site at the university.
- All candidates for bachelor’s studies who pay the admission fee and declare their participation in the exams in the Candidate Registration System (IRK PWr) can take the exams.
- Candidates are required to have: a pen/a fountain pen, a ruler, a compass, a simple calculator (a simple calculator – it is calculator that allows you to only add, subtract, multiply, divide or calculate percentages or square roots from numbers).
- Wrocław University of Science and Technology will provide candidates with selected mathematical formulas – in the case of an exam in mathematics and selected formulas and physico-chemical constants – in the case of an exam in physics.
- Each candidate is required to present an identity document before entering the examination room.
- The exams will take place:
In mathematics, elementary level, – 25.06.2024 – room A5, build. L-1, Wrocław, Na Grobli 15
- 7:40 – 8:00 – identity verification
- 8:00 – 10:15 – exam at the university;
In mathematics, advanced level – 25.06.2024 – room A5, build. L-1, Wrocław, Na Grobli 15
- 10:40– 11:00 – identity verification
- 11:00 – 14:00 – exam at the university;
In physics, elementary level – 26.06.2024 – room A4, build. L-1, Wrocław, Na Grobli 15
- 7:40– 8:00 – identity verification
- 8:00 – 10:00 – exam at the university;
In physics, advanced level – 26.06.2024 – room A4, build. L-1, Wrocław, Na Grobli 15
- 10:10– 10:30 – identity verification
- 10:30 – 13:00 – exam at the university
7. During the examination, the candidate must not communicate or attempt to communicate with anyone (except supervisors).
8. The math Exam (on basic and advanced level) will have multiple-choice questions and open tasks.There will be four answers to each multiple-choice question, one of which is correct. Open-ended tasks will require careful planning of your solution strategy and presentation of your reasoning.
9. The physics exam on basic level will be a mutliple-choice test and open tasks. The physics exam on advanced level will be open-ended tasks. There will be four answers to each multiple-choice question, one of which is correct. Open-ended tasks will require careful planning of your solution strategy and presentation of your reasoning.
10. After completing the maths/physics exam, the candidate will be required to return all the sheets – fair copy and rough copy.
11. The solutions to open tasks completed during the examination cannot be signed, provided with a symbol / signature enabling identification of the author of the work. If solutions to open tasks are signed or marked with a symbol / signature, the Interdepartmental Admissions Committee will decide to award 0 points for all open tasks.
12. Candidates may receive a maximum of 100 points for each examination. An examination in a subject taken at the basic level is considered passed if the candidate obtains at least 30 points.
13. The exam results will be announced by 05.07.2024. Each candidate will receive information about the result obtained in the IRK system. Candidates that are applying for studies on the tuition basis (outside of the UE) and NAWA scholarship holders will recieve information about obtained result in the IRC electronic candidate registration system.
14. The Interdepartmental Admissions interprets the events related to the course of the exam that may affect its result. The commission’s decision is final.
See previous years’ tasks
- Mathematics at the basic level 2011, 2021_multiple_choice_Q, 2021_open_Q, 2022_m_ch_Q, 2022_o_Q
- Mathematics at the advanced level 2011, 2021_multiple_choice_Q, 2021_open_Q, 2022_m_ch_Q, 2022_o_Q
- Physics at the basic level 2011, 2021, 2022
- Physics at the advanced level 2011, 2021, 2022