Voluntary exams Mathematics and Physics

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Wrocław University of Science and Technology organises voluntary entrance exams in Mathematics and/or Physics. Only candidates with a secondary school certificate obtained outside Poland may take the voluntary exams. A prospective student may take the exam(s) in the following subjects:

  • in Mathematics at the basic level and/or
  • in Mathematics at the advanced level and/or
  • in Physics at the basic level and/or
  • in Physics at the advanced level.

The exams are held in written form and are marked on a scale from 0 to 100 points per exam at each level. A minimum of 30 points is required to pass the Mathematics and/or Physics exams at basic level. The scope of the material used in the exams at basic level and at extended level, is equivalent to the 2024 Maturity examination at the basic level and at the extended level, respectively.