Compulsory exam for candidates for the field of Architecture

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Data Temat
June 9, 2022 exam part 1 (drawing from nature)
June 10, 2022 exam part 2 (drawing from imagination)

To download:

  • identification card and statement DOWNLOAD

What if, by a chance event, someone does not have the Internet access during or before the exam?

Candidates are asked to prepare two alternative Internet access connections (e.g. home wifi and hotspot from a telephone), just in case. Unfortunately, we will not evaluate the works/drawings drawn by candidates who will not be present during the exam on the Zoom platform.

Why is it not possible to sign the performed work, if, at the same time, the identification card informing about the independently done work, which will contain the data of the candidate, is sent along with the drawings?

The work can not be signed, because we want to maintain the standard of objective and independent evaluation of the drawings which we will receive. We have established two separate Committees, one will deal with the coding of works, the other – without access to your data, only their evaluation.

What if, due to the post office or courier, the package containing the work does not reach the university on time?

We left a large margin of time between the days of the exam and the date of the first meeting of the committee checking the drawings, we think that such a problem should not happen, if it does occur, we will consider each case individually.

How will the Zoom conference look like during the exam and how do you plan to prevent possible candidates' fraud?

We believe that the candidates applying for the faculty of Architecture are adults who can be trusted, therefore we believe in good faith that your work will be independent. We also ask you to sign the declaration of the exam’s independently made drawings. It seems that cheating is not a viable/ profitable strategy as people who can not draw in any way will not do well during the studies in the field of Architecture.

How should the model be dressed during the exam?

We believe in the common sense of the candidates. We will not formulate restrictions on this matter. The clothes should be such that the shape of the figure can be captured in the drawing.

Can I bring my finished works to the university in person?

Yes, you can submit your works in person to the Admission Office (building C-13, room 0.12) from Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Is it necessary to have a microphone on during the exam? (If not, is it be possible to talk to the model to have some fun?)

The microphone will be operated by the administrator of the meeting, please don’t not make time pleasant, this is a university entrance exam.

While drawing the model, does he/she also need to be visible in the camera view?

No, the model does not need to be visible in the camera frame. The camera should be positioned so that both the person taking the exam and his/her work can be seen. Please remember to prepare the drawing space so that there is no window behind you (positioning the camera against the light makes it impossible to identify the person).

Can the model have a short break between drawings if necessary?

Yes, if necessary, the model can, of course, have a short break.