Compulsory exam for candidates for the field of Architecture
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Data | Temat |
June 9, 2022 | exam part 1 (drawing from nature) |
June 10, 2022 | exam part 2 (drawing from imagination) |
To download:
- identification card and statement DOWNLOAD
Identification card and statement for download DOWNLOAD
- Due to the epidemic’s threat and state of epidemics applicable in the Republic of Poland the drawing exam will be held on-line on the Zoom platform, to which all registered applicants for the I level studies in the field of Architecture at Wrocław University of Science and Technology with the status “fee has been received” will have access.
- Candidates are required to prepare appropriate equipment enabling them to take part in the exam (computer / laptop / tablet with Internet access, installed Zoom program and a web camera), and a device enabling the taking and sending of photos of the work. The free Zoom application is available for download on the website of the Admission Office of Wrocław University of Science and Technology, in the tab: exams / architecture / zoom.
- Candidates are required to have art materials needed to perform the drawing work: four sheets of card stock or other thick, white paper (e.g. xerox 120 g paper) in A3 format, pencils of different hardness, erasers, drawing boards, paper clips for clipping the board.
- In order to verify their identity, each candidate is required to present an identity document during the exam on the online platform. The information contained in the identity document will not be recorded, and the act of presenting the identity document itself will not be registered.
- The exam will take place:
June 9, 2022 from 10:00 am to 1:15 pm and
9:00 am – 10:00 am – ZOOM Rooms available for the participants
10:00 am – 1:00 pm – exam on ZOOM Cloud Meeting
June 110, 2022 from 10:00 am to 1:15 pm
9:00 am- 10:00 am – ZOOM Rooms available for the participants
10:00 am – 1:00 pm – exam on ZOOM Cloud Meeting
- Each candidate is obliged/required to set the camera recording the exam so that the drawers/drawing person’s siluette is visible in such a way that it can be confirmed that the drawing person is performing the drawing task on their own. The exam is recorded.
- The following technical aspects of the conduct of the examination and the responsibilities of the examiner and the examination organiser apply:a) if the examined person uses the help of another person during the examination, helps other candidates, or disrupts during the examination, the Inter-Faculty Admissions Committee will decide to award 0 points for the examination, which will be tantamount to failing the above-mentioned examination;b) if the examined person leaves the frame during the exam, what is tantamount to covering the screen, without the consent of the exam’s supervisor, the Interdepartmental Admissions Committee will decide to award 0 points for the exam, which will be tantamount to failing the above-mentioned exam;c) Wrocław University of Science and Technology is not responsible for: correctness of actions, installation and uninstallation of the application provided in connection with the exam, nor for any damage caused by it to the equipment of the examiner or to data on any media installed therein, the quality of the internet connection, power outages energy or other events, including those of a random nature.
- During the exam, candidates will prepare drawings:- from nature – June 9, 2022, two pencil drawings (2 separate cards), each on A3 size paper (card stock or other thick, white paper, e.g. copy paper 120 g),- from imagination – June 10, 2022, two pencil drawings on a card stock (2 separate cards), each on A3 size paper (card stock or other thick, white paper, e.g. copy paper 120 g).
- A drawing from nature will require drawing a figure, therefore candidates are required to provide themselves at their own expense and risk of participation, an adult person as a model and a chair for this person. There are no specific requirements as to the gender and appearance of a model.
- Detailed topics of drawings will be announced on the exam days, immediately before the exam’s commencement.
- During the exam and after its termination, on the command of the supervisor, the participant is required to take photo of the work and send it immediately to the individual e-mail address, provided in the message sent by Wrocław University of Science and Technology. This address will be included in the link which was sent to the candidate’s individual account in the online candidate registration system before the exam.If the candidate fails to send the photograph to the individual e-mail address provided in the message sent by Wrocław University of Science and Technology, the Inter-Faculty Admissions Committee will decide to award 0 points for the exam, which will be tantamount to failing the above mentioned exam, unless the photo was not sent as a result of circumstances for which the candidate is not a fault. The circumstances of such a situation must be proven by the candidate.
- Every day, once the examination is finished, the candidate is obliged to follow the instructions of the supervisor in order to save their work in the examination system. Drawings made during the examination can not be signed with a symbol / signature enabling the identification of the author of the work. If the drawings are signed or marked with the symbol / reference number, the Inter-Faculty Admissions Committee will decide to award 0 points for the exam, which will be tantamount to failing the above-mentioned exam.
- After the second day of the exam, the candidate should:
a) pack in one shipment:
– unsigned/unmarked drawings (both from nature and imagination),
– candidate’s identification card together with a declaration of the independently made work in a separate, sealed envelope,b) ensure that the works/drawings are not damaged, folded, or bent. Drawings should be sent in an envelope / briefcase / tube / another packaging that will keep them undamaged.c) make sure that the parcel is delivered by June 23, 2021. The date of the post stamp is not decisive, only the date of receipt of the works by the Admission Office of Wrocław University of Science and Technology is. - Forms/samples of the statement and the identity card are available for download at: in the exams / architecture tab. If it turns out that the candidate’s works are damaged, folded, or bent, the Inter-Department Admissions Committee may decide to award 0 points for the exam, which will be tantamount to failing the above-mentioned exam. If it turns out that the candidate does not send a declaration of the independently made work and / or an identification card, the Inter-Faculty Admissions Committee will decide to award 0 points for the exam, which will be tantamount to failing the above-mentioned exam.
- Works should be sent to the following address:
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Admission Office
Wyb. Wyspiańskiego 23-25
50-370 Wrocław, Poland
Build. C-13, room 1.14
With a note: DRAWING EXAM - Candidates may receive 660 points for all submitted works. The exam is considered passed if the candidate obtains a total of at least 240 points. Failure to pass this exam prevents the candidate from participating in the subsequent steps of the admission procedure for studies in the field of Architecture, full-time first-cycle studies and is the basis for issuing a decision not to admit the candidate to these studies.
- The results of the evaluation of the drawings will be announced by June 30, 2022. Each candidate will receive information about the result obtained on the admission portal where the candidate has registered the application.
- Detailed information on the processing of personal data in connection with the use of the remote form of the exam:Due to the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter: RO -DO / General Data Protection Regulation), the university supplements the information provided when setting up an account in the JSOS system about the processing of your data.a) due to the fact that on April 18, 2020, to the Law on Higher Education and Science issued on July 20, 2020 the Art. 76a was added, the university is now also entitled to register the course of the exam with the use of information technology ensuring its course control and registration. This new purpose of data processing does not change the scope of your rights of which you are informed while registering in the JSOS systemb) Wrocław University of Science and Technology remains the data controller. The remaining/other conditions for the processing of your personal data remain unchanged, and detailed information on data processing is presented when completing admission applications using the JSOS system. Detailed information on data processing is also available at:
- The Inter-Faculty Admissions Committee interprets the events related to the course of the exam that may affect its result. The Commission’s decision is definitive.
Aplikację ZOOM można pobrać z poniższej strony:
Po pobraniu i instalacji aplikacji ZOOM, zachęcamy do wykonania testu w celu sprawdzenia jakości połączenia internetowego oraz poprawności działania mikrofonu i kamery.
W polu “Name” proszę wpisać numer rejestracyjny kandydata (dostępny w systemie JSOS).
Test całodobowo można wykonać na stronie:
W poniższych terminach będzie możliwość połączenia się z pracownikiem Działu Rekrutacji
Termin | Godziny | Link |
14 czerwca | 9:00-14:00 | WEJŚCIE |
15 czerwca | 9:00-14:00 | WEJŚCIE |
16 czerwca | 9:00-14:00 | WEJŚCIE |
What if, by a chance event, someone does not have the Internet access during or before the exam?
Candidates are asked to prepare two alternative Internet access connections (e.g. home wifi and hotspot from a telephone), just in case. Unfortunately, we will not evaluate the works/drawings drawn by candidates who will not be present during the exam on the Zoom platform.
Why is it not possible to sign the performed work, if, at the same time, the identification card informing about the independently done work, which will contain the data of the candidate, is sent along with the drawings?
The work can not be signed, because we want to maintain the standard of objective and independent evaluation of the drawings which we will receive. We have established two separate Committees, one will deal with the coding of works, the other – without access to your data, only their evaluation.
What if, due to the post office or courier, the package containing the work does not reach the university on time?
We left a large margin of time between the days of the exam and the date of the first meeting of the committee checking the drawings, we think that such a problem should not happen, if it does occur, we will consider each case individually.
How will the Zoom conference look like during the exam and how do you plan to prevent possible candidates' fraud?
We believe that the candidates applying for the faculty of Architecture are adults who can be trusted, therefore we believe in good faith that your work will be independent. We also ask you to sign the declaration of the exam’s independently made drawings. It seems that cheating is not a viable/ profitable strategy as people who can not draw in any way will not do well during the studies in the field of Architecture.
How should the model be dressed during the exam?
We believe in the common sense of the candidates. We will not formulate restrictions on this matter. The clothes should be such that the shape of the figure can be captured in the drawing.
Can I bring my finished works to the university in person?
Yes, you can submit your works in person to the Admission Office (building C-13, room 0.12) from Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Is it necessary to have a microphone on during the exam? (If not, is it be possible to talk to the model to have some fun?)
The microphone will be operated by the administrator of the meeting, please don’t not make time pleasant, this is a university entrance exam.
While drawing the model, does he/she also need to be visible in the camera view?
No, the model does not need to be visible in the camera frame. The camera should be positioned so that both the person taking the exam and his/her work can be seen. Please remember to prepare the drawing space so that there is no window behind you (positioning the camera against the light makes it impossible to identify the person).
Can the model have a short break between drawings if necessary?
Yes, if necessary, the model can, of course, have a short break.